Penney De Pas Penney De Pas

Finding Your Creativity Within

Finding Your Creativity Within

(6-week course via Zoom webinar, 2 hr sessions)

Wednesdays, June 5, 12, 19, 26, July 10 & 17, 2024 (skip July 3),  7:00-9:00pm Eastern

Presented by Penney De Pas and Stefanie Rennert

Have you ever wanted to be an artist, a musician, a writer, a dancer, work in theater, or have more time for creative activities? Perhaps you don't think you are "good enough" or "have enough time" to be creative. Maybe you tell yourself that you "don't have talent, skills, or the financial resources necessary to be successful"with a creative hobby or profession. Maybe you are afraid. Perhaps you don't think you are "good enough" or "have enough time" to be creative. Maybe you tell yourself that you "don't have talent, skills, or the financial resources necessary to be successful" with a creative hobby or profession. Maybe you are afraid or don't like being publicly visible. It's possible that you haven't given yourself permission to follow your dream.

By the end of the course, you will have engaged in a number of artistic activities, let go of your own limiting beliefs, developed your vision of yourself as a creative person, and developed your personalized 12-month creativity plan. This plan will have concrete steps that you can take in the coming year to expand your creative horizons that are customized to you.

"Finding Your Creativity Within" is a six-week online Zoom collaborate workshop . The interactive course will take place in real time (not pre-recorded) so that you can share your experiences and insights, get your questions answered, and connect with a developing community of creatives on the same explorative journey.

Course dates and hours: Wednesdays, June 5, 12, 19, 26, (Skip July 3) July 10 & 17, 2024 , 7:00-9:00pm (Eastern).

Presented by working artists and creativity coaches, Flourishing Artist Coach, Penney De Pas, MA, RYP-C, and Create Your Calling ,Creative Mindset Coach, Stefanie Rennert.

Penney De Pas has presented an earlier version of this acclaimed course many times through the City of Raleigh's Pullen Arts Center, NCSU's Osher Lifetime Learning Institute, the Unity Church, and the Durham Arts Center. The workshop has been updated for online presentation and includes additional content, exercises, and support from the leaders.

Today, Penney and Stefanie are actively and happily pursuing their artistic dreams and helping others to express and ignite their inner sparks.

Penney has painted over 300 art works--selling 100 of them, published two books, and dances socially at least 3 times a week. But it wasn’t always that way. For decades, Penney was on the sidelines as an arts supporter, an arts administrator, but withering inside, unfulfilled, and hiding her desperate wish to captivate the beauty she saw around her in nature. Once she realized that not being an artist was a limiting, but untrue, belief she had entertained, Penney engaged a coach, found ways to develop both her artistic and exhibiting skills, and began to speak about her dream in a supportive community. Within a year, she had mounted her first art show and sold 7 paintings. Now Penney coaches women to take their art hobbies into flourishing art businesses.

Stefanie (known playfully as "Stef with an F") is a creative powerhouse dedicated to helping individuals embrace their unique selves and unleash their creative potential. She is a prolific performer with over 500+ online performance art videos and a daily poem written and shared for a year. Stef also wrote and performed her one-woman show in New York City's Broadway district, full of verbal and physical prop humor to the audience's delight. Now she creates colorful and creative videos on the topics of self-expression, creativity, and authenticity.

Stef's creativity wasn’t always this alive and present. For years she felt suffocated in various 9-5 corporate roles. She knew there had to be more to life than fetching food for her workmates and shedding quiet tears in bathroom stalls on breaks. Stef felt trapped in a world that was stifling her quirkiness and creativity. She had little time to explore her true passions and had no idea how to even begin the exploration.

Through a series of small steps, personal development and meditation classes, plus writing and music workshops, Stef began to emerge from her cubicle. She spread her creative wings, bravely stepping on to open mic and karaoke stages.

Today, as a Creative Mindset Coach, Stefanie loves helping people who are just getting started on the journey of searching for their creative spark. She cheers them on as they test and try things out to explore and experiment by opening their own Pandora's box of creative possibilities.

Testimonials from Previous Participants:

“I got direction, focus and new ideas. I also learned how to overcome my fears.”
“I realized I was more artistic than I previously thought, and now express my many interests in music, writing, pottery, etc.”
“I re-energized my creative self and right brain!”
“I learned that we are all artists. I enjoyed the hands-on homework and the various definitions of being an artist.”
“I wanted to get back into making jewelry again, and finished 6 bracelets, and now I have a 12-month creativity plan to keep me on track.”

INCLUDED: Six (6) live, interactive Zoom sessions (2 hrs each), your personalized 12-month creativity plan, resource list of creativity books, weekly artist dates (Tuesdays, 1pm EDT on Zoom), an accountability partner, & recordings of sessions.

BONUSES: Register before May 31, 2024, and receive a free 30-minutes coaching session with Penney (value $100). The first 5 registrants receive a time management planner, and a list of tips to find those 2 extra hours in your week for your artist date.

Once you pay for your registration on Eventbrite, please register for the Zoom link in your confirmation email. Thank you! We look forward to "Finding Your Creativity Within"!

Interested persons may contact Penney De Pas directly through the Contact Form to answer any questions.

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